
Mobile App, March 2024

The Rundown

Billed is a lightweight and intuitive mobile app that simplifies the often frustrating and error-prone process of bill splitting.


Head of Product

The Rundown

Billed is a lightweight and intuitive mobile app that simplifies the often frustrating and error-prone process of bill splitting.


Head of Product




Group dining brings people together.

Social dining is a cornerstone of many peoples' lives, and it is important because it fosters cultural connection, communication, and emotional well-being.

As huge foodies that love to go out to eat, my Co-founder and I faced issues in deciding who puts their card down and the logistics of figuring out the math.

We started asking questions of our peers, seeking to find parts of group dining that could be streamlined.

We started to hear a pattern emerge in our interviews that there is a general dissatisfaction with how groups split the check. We observed that bill splitting happens by item, but it takes time and effort to settle debts after the check comes.




Splitting the bill feels like math homework.

Despite a positive experience dining out with friends and peers, people often end up unsatisfied with the way the group covering portions of others' meals in favor of resolving the math quickly.


Is splitting the bill really cumbersome? Can we do better?

Looking at numbers from a survey we conducted, we observed a general dissatisfaction with splitting the bill in group dining settings.

70% of respondents expressed that they feel dissatisfied with the way groups split bills

70% of respondents expressed that they feel dissatisfied with the way groups split bills

87% of respondents expressed that it is important to them to have a fair and transparent bill splitting process

87% of respondents expressed that it is important to them to have a fair and transparent bill splitting process

76% of respondents expressed that they have been in a situation where someone did not contribute their fair share to the bill

76% of respondents expressed that they have been in a situation where someone did not contribute their fair share to the bill

We also identified that users feel a disconnect between their preferred methods of payment for group dining and their actual habits. We were also surprised that users' current habits match their ideal habits.

The respondents' ideal bill splitting process is:

1) One person puts their card down

2) The bill is split by item

The respondents' current bill splitting process is:

1) One person puts their card down

2) The bill is split by item

This consistency tells us that users prefer to use Venmo/Zelle/Apple Pay to settle their bill splitting, with one person putting their card down for the table. Therefore, we want to address situations where one person has the ability to split the bill and everyone can pay them back after the splitting is finished.


Differentiating ourselves from other apps on the market.

After gaining insights from our possible users, I sought to understand the existing options on the market for bill splitting options, and how we might differentiate ourselves from these solutions.

Each platform sought to streamline the bill splitting process, whether that be on the restaurant level or on the diner level. Although options like Toast are ideal in paying for your own bill at the table, it is not realistic that all restaurants can migrate to this technology. Thus, we decided on an app that blends user-friendly design with versatility in an end-to-end experience.

Furthermore, we considered Splitwise more carefully. We devised that our app would be a calculation that happens right as the bill comes, whereas Splitwise settles payments across periods of time. Where we want the app to create an immediate breakdown for dining experiences, Splitwise is better for roommates, trips, and settling long term payments.


Reviewing user metrics.

Our research concluded a few key points:

The ideal situation is for all users to be able to pay for their own portion of the meal.

The ideal situation is for all users to be able to pay for their own portion of the meal.

Although each person paying the restaurant is preferred, user behavior is more malleable than restaurant behavior, thus an app is more feasible.

Although each person paying the restaurant is preferred, user behavior is more malleable than restaurant behavior, thus an app is more feasible.

Current options on the market do not address the importance of ease of use, integration, and versatility.

Current options on the market do not address the importance of ease of use, integration, and versatility.




Identifying core product experiences.

Reviewing our insights from user interviews and surveys, we generated a set of principles that the product must follow.










Categorizing the functionality of our service.

Our research led us to several clear use cases that the product will address. These use cases cover most bill splitting situations.

Even Split

Even Split

Even Split

Even Split

Divide the bill subtotal, tax, and tip equally among all diners.

Divide the bill subtotal, tax, and tip equally among all diners.

Divide the bill subtotal, tax, and tip equally among all diners.

Itemized Split

Itemized Split

Itemized Split

Itemized Split

Select what each person ordered, then split the tax and tip proportionally.

Select what each person ordered, then split the tax and tip proportionally.

Select what each person ordered, then split the tax and tip proportionally.

Percentage Split

Percentage Split

Percentage Split

Percentage Split

Divide the bill subtotal, tax, and tip based upon percentages.

Divide the bill subtotal, tax, and tip based upon percentages.

Divide the bill subtotal, tax, and tip based upon percentages.


Adding uniqueness and functionality for every bill splitting situation.

There also are several edge case scenarios that we considered for the app.

Paying with cash

Paying with cash

Paying with cash

Paying with cash

Incorporating coupons or discounts

Coupons or discounts

Incorporating coupons or discounts

Incorporating coupons or discounts

Full or partial cover of a meal

Full or partial cover of a meal

Full or partial cover of a meal

Full or partial cover of a meal

Splitting by category (appetizers, drinks, etc…)

Splitting by category (appetizers, drinks, etc…)

Splitting by category (appetizers, drinks, etc…)

Splitting by category (appetizers, drinks, etc…)

Each case also hosts a variety of nuances. For example, we found that groups might also want to split the bill evenly, but categorize the even split, discerning who ordered drinks, appetizers, or desserts, or if someone ate vegetarian/non-vegetarian. 




Turning use cases into an app flow.

Creating solutions to pain points in use cases.

I created a user flow considering each use case and need of the users from interviews.


While creating these user flows, I was also prompted to consider different ways that the user might request payments from friends.

User presses "Request Payment" button

Automatically request Venmo payments

Not even having to leave the app or have any middle ground between your request and your friend’s payment is ideal. However, the Venmo Payouts API were retired, so we had to pivot. Ultimately, we decided on the following solution:

User presses "Request Payment" button

Automatically send text message with link to Venmo request


Ideating the interface.

After conducting and synthesizing the research, I created a skeletal framework for the app that outlines the basic functionality. Low-fidelity wireframes included only buttons and text placeholders for CTAs.

Once we defined the core features and layout, divided into 3 categories of screens: the home screen and transaction feed, the bill split flow, and the profile page, I went in and fleshed out the wireframes for each section.


Choosing the accessible and user-friendly options.

To achieve the most user-friendly interface, I iterated through different versions of each flow. By testing the clickable prototype in Figma, I was able to settle on elements that were large enough to click and ensure that information is clear through each step.




Bill Scanning.

OCR reads the image of the bill, populating a digital bill. The user then selects or enters the tip amount and verifies the bill's accuracy.


Bill Scanning.

OCR reads the image of the bill, populating a digital bill. The user then selects or enters the tip amount and verifies the bill's accuracy.

Even Split.

User chooses to split the bill evenly amongst all diners in one simple step.

User chooses to split the bill evenly amongst all diners in one simple step.

Evenly Split.

Percentage Split.

User chooses to split the bill by different percentages amongst all diners, incrementing percentages to cover the entire bill.

User chooses to split the bill by different percentages amongst all diners, incrementing percentages to cover the entire bill.

Percentage Split

Itemized Split.

User chooses to split the bill by item, selecting what each person ordered. The bill breakdown shows the receipt split by item.

User chooses to split the bill by item, selecting what each person ordered. The bill breakdown shows the receipt split by item.


Interact with Billed's Alpha Mockups.

This section is password protected. Please email if you are interested in viewing the Figma prototype.




Splitting the bill, simplified.

Splitting the bill, simplified.

Billed’s success lies in its ability to not only address generic pain points but to cater to the nuanced needs of our user personas. By integrating these personas deeply into our design thinking, Billed has become an indispensable tool, seamlessly blending into users' lives and enhancing their social and financial interactions.